Oxfam files suit against Spain in Brussels over refugees

Oxfam Intermón has filed a complaint with the European Commission over Spain's refugee policy. Photo: Europa Press
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• Oxfam Intermón asks EC to make Spain comply with refugee commitment
• NGO says Spanish gov’t has resettled just 13.7% of agreed-upon refugees

Oxfam Intermón, the Spanish affiliate of international development NGO Oxfam, has filed a complaint with the European Commission against the Spanish government for its having failed to meet its agreed-upon qouta for the relocation to Spain of refugees from war-torn Syria and Iraq under the terms of a 2015 EU-wide refugee resettlement programme.

Jut one week before expiration of the scheduled 27th September deadline established under the 2015 accord, Oxfam Intermón registered the complaint with the EC in Brussels, noting that Spain has only accepted 13.7 percent of a total of 17,337 of refugees it had agreed to resettle in Spain as part of the negotiated deal among EU member states.

The complaint filed by Oxfam Intermón was accompanied by additional statements of support from Spain’s Socialist party (PSOE), three-year-old anti-austerity party Podemos (We Can) and the City of Madrid.

According to Oxfam Intermón director José Maria Vera, the Sanish NGO has asked in the complaint that the European Commission make the Spanish government comply with its commitment to accept 17,337 of the refugees. Resettlement of at least 9,323 of the refugees was compulsory for Spain under the terms of the EU refugee resettlement accord.

► Read More in Spanish at Europa Press, El Periódico and El Diario …

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