NGOFILE :: RAIS Fundación

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•RAIS Fundación ~ RAIS Foundation •

RaisFundacionRAIS Fundación (RAIS Foundation) is a national non-profit organisation that was founded in 1998 with the goal of fighting against extreme social exclusion through poverty and, in particular, homelessness. The organisation is active in the Spanish regions of Madrid, Valencia, Andalucia and Murcia, and works in Spain’s Basque Country through the Asociación RAIS Euskadi.

The RAIS foundation works with volunteers, local citizens, public agencies, private institutions and foundations, the business sector and the news media toward eradication of the causes of social exclusion, while trying to enhance the quality of life of those who find themselves in situations of extreme social exclusion, particularly those who are homeless. RAIS encourages the homeless to take charge of their lives, to participate in and direct the assistance and services available to them and to drive the social changes and mobilisation of citizens, public and private institutions needed to effectively combat and transform the realities of social and exclusion in Spain.

RAIS Fundación professes and exercises transparency in its operations, submitting its annual accounts to external audits and have received a favorable rating in Spain for transparency and best practices from the non-profit auditing agency, Fundación Lealtad.

The foundation works with the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) coalition of organisations working to assist the homeless, as well as the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) and the Federación de Entidades de Apoyo a las Personas Sin Hogar (fePsh, Federation of Agencies Supporting Homeless People), as well as various regional organizations working with the homeless across Spain.

► Learn more about RAIS Fundación at the following links online:

► Read Progressive Spain news coverage about homelessness in Spain, here …

Updated as of 07/2016

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