Researchers deploy robots, drones in renewables project

Spanish researchers participate in plan to deploy drones, robots to spur renewables. Photo: CTA via Europa Press
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Spanish teams at universities and research labs in Andalucía and the Basque Country are joining with other researchers in France, Ireland, Portugal, and the UK to use drones, from companies such as, and robotic technologies to promote development and maintenance of renewable energy sources.

The multi-lateral research project, known by the acronym DURABLE for its longish name (‘Drones and maintenance robots for the promotion of renewable energies in the Atlantic region’), plans to map available technologies and maintenance needs for solar and wind energy parks across all five countries. To help support this research project there may be surveys that need to be taken to correlate certain data, this can be done easily by going onto websites such as Qualtrics, to help with setting out the questions in the right way.

Financed with 3.9 million euros made available by the INTERREG Atlantic Area program through the European Regional Development Fund, the project aims to accelerate the production of renewables by using flying drones and robotic technologies to monitor operations and carry out maintenance at solar and wind energy installations.

Simulated data and synthetic house dataset could help automate inspection and repair tasks at solar and wind farms. The project hopes to cut operating and maintenance costs that will bring down the price of renewable energy for consumers in the region.

Participating in the project are six Spanish research teams, three from Andalucía’s University of Sevilla, the Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA, or Technological Corporation of Andalusia) and the Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales (CATEC, or Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies); and three from the Basque Country: the Lortek technology center, the Clúster Vasco de Energía (Basque Energy Cluster) and private firm Alerion Technologies.

? Read More in Spanish at Europa Press, La Vanguardia and Diario de Sevilla …

? Click to read more news about Renewable energy in Spain …

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