NGO protests penguin captivity in Madrid’s Fundia park

Fundación Alma Animal video shows penguins in captivity at Funda park. Photo: Alma Animal via YouTube
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• Alma Animal says it’s time to stop being accomplices to animal exploitation
• Short YouTube video shows penguins in captivity at Fundia zoo and theme park

Spanish animal-rights group Fundación Alma Animal (Animal Soul Foundation) has released a video showing penguins in restrictive captivity at Madrid’s privately owned Faunia zoo and theme park, highlighting the information Fundia provides visitors that penguins normally swim at speeds up to 100 kilometers per hour and dive to depths of 300 meters.

Showing footage of some of the penguin population at the sprawling Fundia park swimming listlessly in viewing tanks, with one of the animals apparently injured yet still swimming back and forth behind the glass separating it from visitors, Alma Animal calls for those viewing its video to recognize that “it’s time to stop being accomplices in the exploitation of animals.”

Funded in 2012, Fundación Alma Animal worksto prevent cruelty to animals by educating the public, promoting adoption and responsible stewardship of animals, protecting wildlife habitat, encouraging legislation to promote animal welfare and prevent and protect them against inhumane treatment, and providing sanctuary to animals that have been abused or mistreated by humans.


► Read a Summary in English about Fundación Alma Animal, here …

► Read More in Spanish about the work of Fundación Alma Animal, here …

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