NGOFILE :: Fundación Alma Animal ~ Animal Soul Foundation

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• Fundación Alma Animal ~ Animal Soul Foundation •

Alma Animal_BlackThe Fundación Alma Animal (“Animal Soul Foundation”) is a Spanish non-governmental organization founded in 2012 that works to prevent cruelty to animals by educating the public, promoting adoption and responsible stewardship of animals, protecting wildlife habitat, encouraging legislation to promote animal welfare and prevent and protect them against inhumane treatment, and providing sanctuary to animals that have been abused or mistreated by humans.

The organization’s Animal Sanctuary project works to support and improve the precarious situation of animal sanctuaries across Spain, while integrating them and involving them with animal protection and rescue efforts through a mutual cooperation program currently involving seven animal sanctuaries nationwide, in Catalonia, Galicia, Extremadura, Andalucia and Madrid.

The Fundación Alma Animal raises funds through membership fees, individual donations and the sale of items related to animal protection and through the organization’s online store.

► Learn more about Fundación Alma Animal at the following links online:

► Read Progressive Spain news coverage of Animal Welfare issues, here …

Updated as of 09/2016

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