NGOFILE :: Save the Children

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• Save the Children •

save-the-childrenSave the Children is an international, non-governmental organisation working in more than 120 countries worldwide to defend the rights of children. replicas relogios

The organisation began working in Spain more than two decades ago and the programs carried out through its five offices in the communities of Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia, Valencia and the Basque Country focus on combating child poverty, improving education for children, eradicating violence against children and infants, influencing government policies affecting children and protecting and improving the lives of immigrant children.

Specialized Save the Children teams working in Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid and the Basque Country serve more than 5,000 Spanish children every day through educational programs that seek to break the cycle of poverty transmission from parents to children. At the same time, the organisation seeks to place pressure on governments and institutions at the local, regional and national levels to strengthen legislation protecting children, prioritize the fight against child poverty and to prevent and eliminate violence against children in Spain. реплика часов

Save the Children’s programs are underwritten from grants and donations from public-sector and private-sector institutions and individuals, with 51.5 percent of all funding coming from institutions (including governments), 30.5 percent from individuals, 17.7 percent from private companies and foundations and the remaining 0.3 percent from other sources.

► Learn more about Save the Children at the following links online:

► Read Progressive Spain news coverage of Save the Children, here …

Updated as of 07/2016

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