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• InfoCircos ~ InfoCircuses •

InfoCircos_Blk_bkgndInfoCircos, literally “Info Circuses,” is a coalition of organizations working in Spain to promote the protection of animals and wildlife used in circuses and is comprised of Barcelona-based FAADA and Anima Naturalis, Madrid-based ANDA, UK-based Born Free and Netherlands-based AAP Primadomus.

Working specifically to put an end to the use of wild animals in circus acts in Spain, InfoCircos attempts to educate the public on the problems and risks involving the use of wild animals for circus entertainment at the same time that it works with local authorities to legislate to either stop the use of wild animals in circuses or create and enforce regulations protecting the animals’ safety and preventing their suffering.

The organization’s principle campaign, Libre de Circos con Animales (“Free of Circuses with Animals”) has helped convince the regional autonomous communities of Catalonia and Valencia and nearly 300 municipalities across Spain to ban performances by circus companies that use wild animals in their acts.

► Learn more about InfoCircos at the following links online:

► Read Progressive Spain news coverage of InfoCircos, here …

Updated as of 06/2016

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