Andalucian NGOs shine light on ‘Invisible Poverty’

Network of Andalucian NGOs launch 'La Pobreza Invisible' campaign at Video: EAPN-A
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• NGO network raises awareness of multiple forms of poverty in Andalucia •

A network of non-governmental organisations in collaboration with print and broadcast media, labour unions, private and non-profit groups has launched La Pobreza Invisible, an ongoing campaign designed to raise public awareness about the currently alarming levels of poverty and its multiple manifestations in Spain’s southernmost region of Andalucia.

Launched by the Red Andaluza de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social (“Andalusian Network for the Struggle Against Poverty and Social Exclusion”, known by its Spanish acronym of EAPN-A), the La Pobreza Invisible campaign aims to inform the public about the estimated 3.5 million Andalucians (42.3 percent of the population) that live at or below the official poverty level and are considered at risk of social exclusion or marginalisation from society.

The organisers of the La Pobreza Invisible campaign say that poverty in Andalucia extends far beyond the official figures on wage levels and economic poverty and negatively impacts people’s ability to participate as equal members of society at many levels, from the inability to attain adequate housing, to participation in the local community, as well as exclusion of the elderly and the physically and mentally challenged from the social benefits enjoyed by the majority of citizens.

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► Download PDF in Spanish about Andalucia’s “Invisible Poverty” from EAPN-A …


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