One in five women jobless in Spain, comprising nearly 25% of total European female unemployment

Women working in a shoe factory in Spain. Photo: Alex Domínguez / ABC
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• UGT says women suffer multiple disadvantages in Spanish job market •

Spain’s female jobless rate is today among the highest in Europe, with one in every five women in Spain currently unemployed and the total number of unemployed women in the country comprising nearly a quarter of all female unemployment in Europe.

According to a report issued on International Women’s Day by the Equality Secretariat of the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT, General Union of Workers), the unemployment rate in Spain is greater among women than men in Spain, with 22.5 percent of working-age women jobless as compared to just 19.5 percent of men at end-2015.

According to the UGT, women in Spain continue to be at a clear disadvantage to men in the Spanish labor market, receiving lower wages and salaries for the same work and winning fewer promotions to positions to responsibility, while at home they continue in many cases to be primarily responsible for household responsibilities and caring for their children.

► Read More in Spanish at ABC and El Economista…

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