Spanish NGOs seek to raise awareness on fair trade, rights & environment with holiday selfies campaign

Photo: Europa Press
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• CECJ promotes fair-trade holiday gifts with #MejorconComercioJusto contest

• Campaign to highlight value of fair trade, rights & environmental protection

A federation of Spanish NGOs promoting fair and sustainable trade has launched a holidays “Best with Fair Trade” (Mejor con Comercio Justo) campaign, prompting the public to post selfies online about fair trade holiday purchases using the Spanish #MejorconComercioJusto hashtag.

The State Coordinating Council for Fair Trade (Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo, CECJ), has said it has launched the campaign to remind Spanish consumers as they go to make their holiday purchases that they should keep in mind the added value of making responsible and compassionate choices that take fair and sustainable trade practices into account.

To raise awareness about the value of making quality purchases that also take into account respect for human rights and environmental protection, the group has launched a selfies contest in which photos around the theme of fair trade holiday purchases are posted and the photo receiving the highest number of votes will receive a fair trade gift basked valued at 200 euros.

The #MejorconComercioJusto contest runs through Dec. 31st and complete rules are online at

Read the Full Story in Spanish at Europa Press >>

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